Sunday, June 17, 2012

Premiere Episode

On Wednesday night, America was introduced to 11 driven, would-be editors who for the next few months will share their successes and, more often than not, failures as they compete to win a junior editor position at ELLE. Watching the premiere episode at a little fete that took place at Manhattan’s Kiehls store, I was reminded of how strange the first day of filming was. Though curious about who among the contestants would make a good fit at the magazine, and nervous about the whole weird process of filming a reality show, I was most preoccupied with what I would wear. My Hair weavingoutfit was 99 percent from my own closet: What better than a Dolce & Gabbana Jackson Pollock-treated electric magenta tulle skirt, Dior snakeskin platforms (sadly not shown on-screen), and a voluminous helmet of hair (inspired by Brigitte Bardot and a pre-wig Dolly Parton) to serve as a visual intimidation tactic? Clearly, I come from the school of Joe Zee where first impressions are everything. Good thing Joe was there to give the contestants a tutorial on how to dress the ELLE way, because many seemed to be attending a casting call for Halloween USA or Frederick’s of Hollywood. I admit that my eye was instantly drawn to Megan in her printed Chanel dress, which she toughened up with black opaque stockings and a leather jacket—very ELLE. But she logo-touter quickly showed her true colors as she became the mean girl of the group, preying on Kate, the unfortunately nicknamed (“tits”) Newport Beach law student.—Malina V.Joseph The contestants with their breakfast tray assignment in Anne Slowey’s office. (Photo courtesy of The CW Television Network)Although the editing of reality TV can create a breathless pace, the challenges really were packed in tightly enough to Weaving hair put everyone on edge. During the assistant task where the contestants had to fetch Anne’s breakfast, some of the contestants were visibly offended that they’d been asked to perform such a menial task. But I can’t even begin to count the trips I made in my day to Cosi to get a toasted bagel with cream cheese and jam on the side. Remember: A hungry boss is not a happy boss. The following morning I met everyone at 7 a.m. at the H&M store on 5th Avenue. I was anxious enough having to emcee the fashion show in front of my ELLE peers; I can’t even imagine the level of anxiety that plagued the groups during their frantic shopping sprees. As they checked out of the store, I was at the height of my own frenzy finishing text on deadline while pounding on my Blackberry to make sure that Balenciaga look #3 was confirmed for our upcoming shoot. I think that’s when the contestants realized that I wasn’t an actor but a living, breathing stress-case employee of ELLE. The fashion show was a success, thanks mostly to Remy hair what you didn’t see. Backstage, Brett was coordinating the hair and makeup like she was at Bryant Park. Out in front, I was doing several takes describing to the crowd how each group characterized their looks while trying to maintain a straight face. In the end, all of the contestants did a great job modeling their bravery, as much as their H&M looks, in front of the entire ELLE staff. The editorial challenge—to create a contributors page for ELLE—tripped up two of the groups, and I’m still mystified by how they thought their pages reflected the style and format of the actual magazine. I guess everyone wanted to try to stand out and show their creativity (former assistants know that rule number one is to follow instructions!). The best part of the elimination was Kate exercising her law degree and testifying that her group had suffocated her personal style instead of letting her work with it. I’m not sure what to make of her. She’s highly emotional about being criticized yet she displays an unexpected intellect and fearlessness in a room full of vultures. In the courtroom of Anne Slowey and Joe Zee, Kate made her case and won another week at ELLE. The gloves came off fast, and these aspiring editors will stop at nothing to get the job. If I were living in that loft I would sleep with one eye open.